Thursday 20 August 2009

Some times to hard to keep composure

Its sometimes hard to keep this composure , I have since I have been know to suffer from dark moods where it completly switches for me from happy bunny ichigo to dark reaper ichigo.
You know for people who can relate , when you suffer from it you have to majority of the time work hard to remain composed since sometimes the dark moods hurts your loved ones even more than you. Also its like you have to look after the other person feelings than yours.
Funny world ri

But on a brighter note did mixed martial arts training today , it some thing I have been doing for some time since I was young.

So tomorrows post will be about the mixed martial arts training I do and its connection to batman begins the movie.

So sweet dreams lovies...


Anonymous said...

I wish I were like you and able to do the mixed martial arts. I know what you mean about moods. Today I started happy and had a call and raged. I am calm and rage so easy, and sometimes, it is just because I was disturbed so I could be told good news. Sometimes I do hate who I am. I look forwards to your next post.
stay safe and if you can, try to smile :D

ICHIGO said...

Will try to ..:)

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