Sunday, 25 October 2009

weird dreams

last night , I had a weird dream . Won't go into detail too graphic , my point is that for two nights I have had terrible nightmeres.

Ok, here's my confession . I really don't care if anyone believes since I guess I have the safety of noone knows really who I am.

Well , I'am like a medium of sorts .
I can see aura's , sometimes ghosts and if concentrate hard enough I'm able to channel a person thoughts and be able to say what a person's feeling.Well , me seeing aura's is possible since I pretty sure science has proven it exist.

I know , crazy right but its true . I don't make any money from this , besides I'm only 18 and I believe strongly that these so called mediums and psychics in t.v are wrong to use there so-called abilites for money.

The reason why , I'am bleeding my heart here is the last two weeks or so there has been a huge spike of my ablity being increased. Its like my way of seeing has sharpened and its like everyone I see are a light like christmas trees.

My reason confessing this , I want to type it out and pretend I 'm telling this to someone who won't judge and might pretend to sympthasis.


Anonymous said...

I dont think its wrong to profit from helping people, sort of. Doctors do it, police and firemen too. Its just another skill. When you break it down Everyone makes money off thier skill, wether its medium, a private inspector, Drs, lawyers, even the kid bagging your foods at the market. The wrong in it is when a lawyer will charge $200 just to meet a prospective client, or the medium takes all your retiremnet to find your child.

Most people dont "see" so they assume its lies or tricks. Those that can see either just say its a dream, too much coffee, or any excuse to not shatter their faith.

Over time you will meet more people like yourself.
I just wish I could regain control. I sort of lost it. auras are amazing aren't they. Sometimes I wish I could read their thoughts, I might not be so freaked out then. Feeling how they feel isnt so fun anymore tho.
I think in time, I will remember what I forgot tho.
Thank you for breeching the topic

wildcatz101 said...

I believe third eye is open too..but I cant see auras, just dead people and friend can do astral projection and she can see auras. So u are not alone in this.Well its really up to u if u want to enhance ur gift or just like me, ignore it.

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