Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Stupid dog , went and died

Was going home , I went and phoned my father saying I was coming home . He said 'Ichigo , I have bad news ' I 'm like worried and I say 'what happened ???' . The dog died .....

I'm like shocked , saying 'Oh , my god' many times . Clearly I could hear my father was chocked up about it since he was really closed to the dog and so was my brother and sister.

My mother and I on the other hand lets say we weren't so emotional about it , since my father , brother and sister were brawling there eyes out as where I haven't cried at all. So as usual my father says 'I don't how you and your mother can have such a cold heart'

Well to be honest , I don't how to feel about this whole thing . Since emotions is a reaction to an event . My reaction wasn't to cry , or feel sad . I guess I have the thing of not being sad or emotional in my head that when it comes to things like this that part of my brain is switched off.

Its strange really , my dog benji was only 10-11 weeks died , but I really feel sad more is for my father since he watched the dog vomit blood since he had swalled a sharp object that was destroying his insides. My father , god he was crying and obviously he is not a man who cries easily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow that horrible
that totaly sucks
I can relate to the cold hearted sentiment your father said. not that i think youre cold.
I mean I use to be like that, man I miss it. Now Im still crying over everything.

I dont think theres anything wrong will the way you react. Are you suppose to cry at death?
Which page in the rules of life book is that on. Hurts me more to know your father an siblings are in this pain. The dog passing, well either its going to come back as a cat or just move onto the next level

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