I wonder , recently how times are changing and everyone wants things to be so convenient for themselves . 'Will they end up like those obese people from wall 'e'''?
Just think we as humanity want things to become more and more easier . Will we lose our selves in the process. Of course in an perfect world everyone would like to like there idols and eat junk food without gaining a pound. But where the fun in that , I guess having a life would be pointless if we had everything we wanted.
I suppose it irritates me that people complain about things and when it gets fixed they complain even more that they want it even better. I guess people might say I have high expectations of the human race but I say if we don't have high expectations how can we ever better ourselves.
Philosophical ramblings of an eighteen year old , people might see but when people like me who see the world with a more sharper view. See a world , where people are missing the point in what it means to live. There's two points to the meaning of living :
1. We see that people have become too lost ,that we rather be dead in the spirit world than live in the physical world where you have to see truth.
2. Instead of giving the satisfaction to the people who are lost , by being dead . You can find the true meaning and go into world living the mean and spreading the meaning's vibes to the people you meet and those people you have met can spread to other people they meet.
Its kind of like paying it forward by the spiritual sense , since people will feel and absorb the good vibes from you . Then its spreads.
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