Wednesday, 18 November 2009

what will happen next

I wonder what will happen next once I fight my way to university , I start to think 'what next?' . Like I really don't see myself getting married and I don't want children since I'm to vain for that. I guess in my idyllic world I would be rich from discovering the cure to cancer :p

I would spend my life researching into psychic powers , but goal is one to win the Nobel prize , two set up my own hospital and three wellllllllll. Become super clever at maths , now that would be a shocker and a huge achievement . At the moment the goal in improving in maths is more likely , but I guess I have always so myself setting up a hospital in future , since it was something I talked about when I was much younger.

I see just even finishing university as a great achievement in its own right , as it kind will prove some people doubts that they may have had about me in the past and will see me as a warrior who fought back at life's cruelties.

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