This was my morning woke up at 6:10 got to the gym . By 6:50 it was pouring with rain , saw that loads of pigeons standing on a cafe. Ran in to a person from my old high school I saw her and she looked at me as through she was a bit suprised maybe my weight loss has been noticable . But didn't really want to talk to her since she was rumoured to be pregant and had a miscarriage in high school and that she turned lesbian stalker. So , I said my goodbyes quickly and went home.
Today , was bit of a lonely day . Came home and my father went and told me off for being a bit snappy with my mother this morning after coming back from the gym since I was hungry , anxious and tired. Therefore, my father was like 'is everything ok with your mother and you , eh!' I was like yeah , why?
My father then went to say how he didn't like my attidude that I displayed with my mother this morning and that he doesn't how to make me understand that woman is my mother (those are the exact words he used) Well , my father is the only one who can get me upset ; I guess he is my rock and when my rock is upset with me ; its like when rock is upset with me , the walls fall in. I guess in reality I have always had one parent since my mother hasn't really done anything for me.
Since , the part my mother has meant to play in my life she hasn't fulfilled I had to myself. My poor father has to play mother/father and my best friend. So , I have never really experienced what people called a mothers bond with her child.
1 comment:
lesbain stalker eh ? :D
well I geuss that alone could freak you out, just kik her ass:p
Life is so lonely isnt it tho. I want company but I want to be alone which ever it is, i want the oposite. I remember being called a "mamma's boy" because I was always with mine, not in a girly feminine way, I think it just means I always obeyed my mom. Which kind of sucks when my memories are cold emotionless flashes or stories told to me by other people.
Your mom did teach you one thing, thats how not to treat your kids. and how to be a strong woman.
I like the fitness sign only 10 pound :) is it 5 now that summer has ended ,) id join with you, but well im lazy and have a useless spine, but I have a dr now, so maybe he/she can fit it:) I love pigions, but your probably reading this in the AM so Ill save that story:D
Remember your not alone :)
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