I feel sometimes that I have to always carry a sunny deposition , if not my father will get angry and say 'you have nothing to be sad about , since your only a teenager'
This makes me feel that I can't feel sad or angry , that I just got to be in one mood. Since I'm just a teenager , so there absolutely nothing in my life that would cause me to feel angry a tiny bit depressed. Therefore , I have to be always smily and joyful.
HOWEVER IT CONFUSES ME , when my father then says 'Ichigo , what don't you show any emotion or laugh in a joke'
I think , well my current state of one emotion only allows for smiles and besides 'why , the hell will I laugh , when I don't find the joke funny'
Its so f---ing confusing
The Greatest is Love
4 years ago
1 comment:
oh ichigo cheer up and dont worry about it :D
seriously tho, I hear that alot when its comes to teens depression. If your only a teen you have your whole life to look forward to right?
That would be great 100 years ago when the future was so unknown and full of possibilities, and mysteries. Today its a little different, you see the whole world at a click of the mouse. Depending how you look at things. you have dreams of changing the world, or oh shit, i have 50 years of watching this?
I am totally not the guy to cheer you up.
But if you ever get money to invest in the market, buy stocks in anti depression drugs :D
Anyways, good morning or noon ,)
I hadnt slept all night and made pictures on my quote and helping blogs, I hope they make you smile
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