I guess you all know the saying 'you wear your heart on your sleeve' .
I wear mine on my chest , its a locket I have worn and kept since high school. Its like my only way showing my love for my beloved in public .
People often talk about who's inside there heart or what do they treasure the most. Some say, family others say 'my car' but in reality there has been one thing I hold on to dear life to. My 'beloved' , others things like material possessions or even my siblings go as dust in the wind.
He is truly the only person that I have emotional attachment to. Its sad , that these days he has been busy , it does feel like a piece of my soul has been missing. I don't how I can describe it but the more we are apart the more , I descend playing with my old friend madness.
These days , I have been developing strange habits like fidgeting , scratching my head a bit too much and feeling like one minute I can stake away the whole night. To feeling like I'm a lump that can't get up , sometimes I feel like it becomes a little in manageable but mostly I can control it but the most annoying one is when I have a million thoughts in my head . Where I'm remembering embarrassing things I have done in the past , then these this voice telling me 'how stupid , I'm for doing . How I'm still the same person as always . That I'll never change and that should die .
It takes all my willpower tell these voices to shut up, sometimes I catch myself saying out loud what the voices are saying. I guess some people are lucky they get a diagnose , what I get is just more paranoia.
1 comment:
I can totally relate to the last parts eccept the voice is the most encouraging thing i hear. I want have this body die so I can finally be free of this material world, Myself is busy thinking of whats wrong with the world and people, but Me(that voice inside) always says things arent so bad and will get better in time. Me-Myself-and I.
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