Monday, 29 March 2010

long time

Hi there,

Been a long time... Just been busy , stressed or just too tired to blog.
Well tomorrow I'am going to the university open day with my friend , it gonna one of those journeys where I have to go on the underground and travel by train. I guess the trip tomorrow will give some idea how my future journeys will be like once I get to university.

Well this Thursday will be the last day of college since Easter holidays will start on Friday. Which I'm glad but dreading at the same time since my father won't be getting any holidays that means being stuck with my mother and siblings there . Trust me when I say it will be dreadful , so my plan is to use the holidays to study and practice as much as I can for the ballet exam in may.

Right now , I'am just annoyed at particular things like food for example; I really dread the whole notion of eating now and only eat vegetables to smother out any hunger pangs. So far it has been working well , I guess you can say I'm 90% vegetarian the only time I eat chicken or meat is when dinner time arrives since my mother has some make shift dinner ready but even like that the chicken or meat is really small.

This whole going green thing has been doing wonders to my digestive system and it takes the stress about thinking what I'am going eat away.I guess this takes the pressure off in thinking what your gonna eat , making sure its the right portion and how many calories etc.

Any way ... see you all later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well im glad your doing okay. the trip to the university sounds exciting. I hope you can tolerate the mother and not get too agrivated.

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