Tuesday, 18 August 2009

about me

well hi,

I'am new to blogging so bear with me a bit while i get used to it. so the first post will be an introduction about me , my life and chronicles of my descions i make.

Well , i'am 17 years old and will turn 18 in october the second . Even through i'am young i have lived a lot and experince things that not every 17 year has experinced . So if i was going to describe my personality it would like i'am sweet but can give out spikes out the same time if that makes sense , like the expression my father likes to say 'ichigo , you give one of sugar and one of salt'

Currently , i'am at college studying forensic science just finshed my first year and have my second year left. So my ultimate goal is to get a title as an doctor of any sort. I guess the reason I want to start this blog is for me since sometimes I need to articulate alot of things through writing or talking.

I guess it would nice if other people followed my story ....... to be continued


Colin said...

I look forward to reading more :D

I don't like to follow that much but i'll pop in daily and leave a comment every now again :D

Write well :)


♥Jennette♥ said...

I am now following :)

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